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"영어는 마스터 하기 위한 예술이 아니라, 결과를 이끌어 내기 위한 툴이다." 라는 주제로 다양하고 재미 있는 이야기를 들려 줍니다.
비교적 천천히 말해 주는 편이라, 중상급자 분들에게 좋은 딕테이션 재료가 될 수 있을 것 같습니다.
So For the past 20 years, I have been helping malaysian and other southeast asian to speak better english. And Throuth training of thousand of Southest Asians I've discovered a very surprising truth. I've discovered how well somebody communicate in English. Actually, has
very little to do with their english level. It has a lot to do with their attitude towards english. They are people out there, who have very very low level of English. they can communicate very well. one of them that I remember was student participant of mine named Fizal. He was factory supervisor. English level very very low. But this guy could just see and listen to anybody very calmly, clearly and then he could respond.
absolutely express his thought beautifully at a very low level of English. Today, I want to share with you, what is so different about people like Fizal? How do they do it? And second of all, Why is this so important not only to you, but to your children, you community and to the future of Malaysia. And third of all, what's one thing you can do , starting today if you want to speak with that, calm , clear confidence that people like Fizal have. so first of all, what is so different how do people like Fizal do it? To answer that question, I am gonna take you back about 10 years. ok, I was training step at that time. And my daughter at that time was taking piano lesson. I started to notice two really strong similarities between my daughter's attitude or thinking towards playing the piano and a lot of malysian thinking or attitude towards English. First of all, I should tell you, my daughter absolutely hated piano, hated lesson, hated practice, this is my daughter practicing a piano. this is as good as it got. this is real thing. she dread it going to piano lesson because to my daughter going to piano lessons she was fill(feel) with this sort of dread. because it was all about not screwing up, right? because like a lot of piano students, both my daughter and her teacher, her success in piano was measured how few mistakes she made. At the same time, I noticed a lot of Maysian went into english conversation with same sort of feeling of dread, this sort of feeling that they are gonna be judged by how many mistakes they are gonna be make and whether or not they were gonna screw up. And then second similarity that I noticed was to do with self image, my daughter she knew what good piano sound like right(like)? because we've (heard) all good piano, And she knew what her level was. and she knew how long she have to play for to speak play like that. And a lot of Malaysians, I noticed had this idea of what good proper English is supposed to sound like, and what their - I see a lot of you nod and what their English sounded like, and how far they would have to go to get there.
And they also felt like they were like my daughter - just bad bad piano player or bad english speaker, My English not so good, lah, cannot,
sorry, ya, cannot ah~, So I could see these similarities but I still couldn't figure out. ok what is about people like Fizal, that are so different that can just do it smoothly, calmly with confidence? One day I discovered that answer and I discovered it quite by chance. It was a day when my computer broke down and I had to go to a cybercafe. ok it was my first time, and I discovered cybercafe are disgusting place, okay?
They are really gross. They're smelly and they're filled with boys. and they're all playing noisy, violent games. They're just disgusting places.
But I had to go there. So I sat down and I start noticing this guy besides me. And I became very interested in this guy next to me. this guy playing this game. that is basically, it's like shooting people until they die. And that's it. that's game right. I am noticing this guy is not very good. he's like, in fact, he is terrible. because I am looking and I am seeing like a lot of shooting, not much dying. what really interested me was behind this lousy player were three of his friends sort of standing there watching him play. What I really noticed was even though this guys was terrible, even though his friends were watching him, there was no embarrassment. there was no feeling of being judged. there was no shyness. in fact quite the opposite, this guys totally focused on the bad guys, smile on his face. All he can think about is killing these guys right? And I watching him. I suddenly realized, this is it. this is the same attitude that people like Faizal have when they speak English. just like this guy. When Faizal goes into an English conversation, he doesn't feel judged. He is entirely focused on the person that he's speaking to and the result he wants to get. he's got no self-awareness, no thoughts about his own mistakes. I want to share with you a real, true example to paint a picture of somebody who speaks English like they are playing piano and someone who speak English like they're is playing computer game. and this is true story happen to me. A while ago, I was in a pharmacy I had to buy omega. My doctor said I should get a omega. I go to shelf there's tons of omega, there is omega, there is omega that's high in DHA, omega that's high in EPA, I don't know which one to buy. sales rep(rap) happened to be there. And I saw she was like well dressed professional women and I walk over the her and I see this look as she sees me sort of it's look I recognize very well. Her eyes go all wide.
It is sort of the panic. Oh my god, I've got to speak to a native speaker.
she's gonna judge me and notice my mistake. I go up to her. I explain my situation : which omega do I get? And she starts explaining to me everything about DHA and EPA. You could possibly imagine. She speak very quickly goes all around in circles. and when she finishes, no idea what to buy. I turn to the girl behind the counter. Now the girl behind the counter I heard her before her English level is very low.
When I walk over to(the) girl, this girl, there is no fear. In fact, she's just looking at me. you know that look? Like… Yeah? Okay… so How…?
I have been in Malaysia a long time? So I go up to her and I explain the problem, EPA and DHA.
She looks at me, she says. ok Ah epa for heart, dha for brain.
your heart ok or not? So I said my heart is really, I think it's pretty good.
She said your brain ok or not? So I said no My brain is not as good as it use to be. She looks and says, Okay lah, you take Omega DHA, Problem solved right? So we've got two different kinds of communicators.
We've got the one who's got a high level, but totally focused on herself and getting it right, and therefore, very ineffective. we've got another one totally focus on the person she's talking to and getting a result. Effective. And therein Lies the difference.
Now, why is this distinction so important not just to you, to your children but to the future of Malaysia and countries like Malaysia?
And to answer that, let's take a look who actually is speaking English in the world today, okay? So, if we looked at all of the English conversations in the whole world, taking place right now on planet Earth. We would see that for every native speaker like me, there are five non-native spearks. And if we'd listen to every conversation in English on planet Earth right now, we would notice that 95% of those conversations involved in non-native English speakers. only 4% of those conversations are native speaker to native speaker. this is not my language anymore, this langauge belongs to you. it's not an art to be mastered, it's just a tool to use to get a result.
I want to give you a real life example of what English is today in the world, real English today. This is another true story. this was barbecue for engineers, engineers from all over the world. they were making hot dog and some were these cheese hot dogs, you know, with the cheese in the middle. A French engineer is cooking the hot dogs and he turns to this Korean engineer and he says "Would you like a hot dog?" and Korean guy says "yes please" He says " do you want the cheese" And the Korean guy looks around at the table. he says I no see cheese The French guy says, The hot dog is contains the cheese. Korean guys doesn't understand him right? So the French engineer tries again. The hot dog is making from with the cheese. Korean guys still doesn't understand. He tries again. he says " the hotdog is coming from-" no cheese is coming from hot dog. Korean guy cannot understand. Now there's a Japanese engineer who's been listening to this conversation turns to the Korean engineer. and he says " Ah cheese integrator" He understand, ok Everybody understand. this is what English is today. It's just tool to play around with to get a result like a computer game. Now the challenge is that we know in schools all around the world English is not really being taught like it's a tool to play with, it's still being taught like it's an art to master. And students are judged more on correctness than on clarity. Some of you might remember the old comprehension exam in school.
Does anybody remember in school, when you'd get a question about a text that you read. you have to read some text and the answer the question to show that you understood the text, this may happen to you that you showed the you understood the text, you got a big X because you made little grammar mistake. but this student clearly understood paragraph 4 but no not correct because he left the letter N off the wor "environment". But in the real world, what would matter? In the real world, what would matter is did you understand the email, did you understand your customer so that you can go ahead and take action?
Now problem that I see here, over and over, is that people take the attitude they developed about English in school and they bring it into their adult life and into their work if you are in stressful situation and you're having a conversation and you're trying to give a result to someone and say it correctly, your brain multi-tasks, it cannot do two things at once. And what I see is the brain just shutting down. And you may recognized these three symptoms of the brain shutting down.
The first on is that your listening goes. someone is talking to you and you're so busy thinking about how you're going to respond and express yourself correctly, you don't actually hear what the other person said. I can see a lot of nodding in the audience. The second thing to go is your speaking. Your mind sort of shuts down and that vocabulary you do know just disappears and the words don't come out. The worst thing about this is you may only be confident because you cannot express yourself clearly, but to the person talking to you, they may misunderstand this as a lack of confidence in your ability to do the job, to perform. So if you want to speak English like Fizal with that great confidence, here's one thing that you can do. When you speak, don't focus on yourself. Focus on the other person and the result you want to achieve. Imagine a next generation of Malaysians, all with that wonderful confidence in communication that Faizal has at any level of English. Because let's remember that English today is not an art to be mastered it's just a tool to use to get a result. And the tool belongs to you.
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