
오늘은 Once upon a time in Hollywood에 출연한 Magog Robbie의 73 Question 스크립트입니다.
빠른 질문과 답변으로 이루어져 있어서, 듣기 실력 향상에 많은 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
Hey Magot, I am so exciting to be here at this beautiful cottage, asking you 73 questions.
Yes, of course, come on in.
How did you start day today? I had nice a cup of tea and I went for a swim.
What do you plan for rest of the day? Having some friends over brunch
If you could spend anyone in the world. Who would that be? JK rolling
And What would you do? I would ask her 73 questions, No way, I probably ask her million and 73 questions, yes.
What's the one thing you would love to master? I'd really like to be good at pool?
Are you texter and caller? I am caller
Who is last person that you called? My cousin Julia.
What did you guys talk about? I asked her to bring somethings over for brunch.
Do you wanna water or something I'd love some, thank you.
So you play piano. No that's just kinda there.
Impressive, That is Australian National Anthem.
Advanced Au stralia Fair, right?
And you are American, That's amazing, What can I say.?
What do you miss about Australian when you're in america?
I missed the thunderstorms.
What do you miss about America when you're in Australia?
The convenience I feel like everything's open so late here.
If had 24 hours to spend anywhere in Australia, Where should I go? and what should I do?
Tasmania, I would tell you to go to the Mona
Who's Australian everyone should know about? Troy Silvan.
Who's an actor you'd love to work with? Matthias Schoenaerts
Who's a director that you'd love to work with? Wes Anderson.
Would you ever love to direct? yes
Who do you always love watching on screen? Tilda Swinton.
What do you look for the good script? I wanna be surprised but also satisfied.
Do you able to relate or like character in order to play them? I do yeah
Comic book buffs or historical, Who are harder to please as audience members? They are both really tough. I can imagine. yeah
Favorite accent to do. Brooklin
How do you practice accent? I find real life in youtube then I just kind o f mimic them. Huh
Is that moment on camera that is(has) really shaking(shaken) you
yes, The scene I got to do with Saoirse Ronan in "Mary Queen of Scots"
What is the(your) favorite scar? This one, I got it when I was a little kid
Favorite book Harry potter
Favorite Artist Magrit?
Favorite band I mean I have a lot but ELO?
Favorite Song, right now, ugum bugum song?
All right, (well) you picked a beautiful day for a gathering.
What is(does) a typical brunch entail?
all the girl outside drinking and all the guys inside cooking
What is your favorite cuisine to cook?
I am not a good cook, I can do cheese board
What is your least favorite food to eat? talmisalada, have you have(had) that? no, it's disgusting. I will try to stay away.
What has been a most rewarding project (thus) far in you career? I tonya
Why ? because I got to be a part of all the aspects of making that film.
Producing and Acting What should(which do) you prefer? I love producing but acting will always be my big love.
What about producing did you not expect? Too much paper work.
Would you ever do(to) theater? yes
If you could make a document(ary) on any topic, what would it be?
why they shouldn't do oil drilling in the Great Australian Bight?
If you could cameo on any TV show, what would it be?
There is a wicked ne show coming out on Hulu called "Dollface"
it's a Luckychap production. It's the calendar
True or false. you've played in a rugby league? No, false.
I played on an ice hockey tea, True of false, you tattooed your suicide squad cast? That's true
If I were get a tattoo, what should I get and where? Two salvador Dali elephants on your back. That's specific.
True or false you~ shoot, Did I offer you a glass of water and not give to you? True Sorry about that
It's ok. Margot. What's your favorite lip color? Chanel Boy
Dead straight or natural wave hair? Natural wave.
What's an Australian beauty ritual(의식) that you follow every day?
What was the last piece of clothing that you bought ? Bought a yellow t-shirt from Zimmermann
If you had to distill your peak signature style in one item of clothing, what would it be? High waisted pants.
What would you say is your most extravagant(사치스러운) and expensive outfit that you've ever worn? I feel like the dress I wore this year the BAFTAs. It was kind of extravagant
Who is favorite designer all the time? Coco Chanel
What's the most method that you've ever gotten for a role? I am not really method actor, but I do find myself unintentionally behaving like a character after a while.
How did you prep to play Shron tate? lots of reading, watching a lot of films, spend time with people knew her, and I always work with an acting coach, dialect coach, movement coach.
Queen Elizabeth, Harley Quinn, Tonya Harding each requiring crazy physical makeovers.
Is you prep process similar regardless of the character? And the approach is similar. The process always changes a little bit based on the character, but the approach is the same and inevitably, a lotta time in the hair and makeup chair. I can imagine
And having played several people that actually existed, how does that influence your performance? I always feel a sense of responsibility for a character, whether they're real or not. but definitely an added sense of responsibility when they are real life people.
You played character form so many different eras(시대), if you can go back and live in any of those periods, which would it be? The 60's
What's been the biggest positive change in Hollywood recently? Inclusivity(포괄, 수용)
What is the film world needs a drastic overhaul(과감한 점검)?
Non-creative making creative decision.
Who's the voice in Hollywood that people should be listening too?
Women, all of them
What female performer is blowing your mind right now? Pbee waller Bridge. Love her
Hey cool surfboard yeah I imagine you’re professional level at surfing, right? I am not good surfer I just like doing it.
One a scale of one to ten, how good are you?
A two
Who has better beach Australia and California? Australia
I knew you'd say that.
What's your go-to cocktail? G&T
What's your vice? ice-cream
What's the fashion trend that you think will definitely come back?
Chunky 80's earrings
what is the fashion trend that you are positive will never grow old?
Crisp white shirt, blue jeans.
And what's the fashion trend you think should never see the light of day ever again? Stripey toe socks
I don't know if that was a thing here, but it was when I was a kid.
What are you heading? I am unpacking, I should be unpacking. I will do it later, but I just got back from Cann
What was the best part about Cannes? Eating croissants every day.
What's the city that you're headed to next? London
What country you never visited but you're dying to get there?
That would be Julia
When have you felt most starstruck? When I met 15 cent.
What is the favorite account to follow on social media?
Tiny Kitchen they make little food. It's really cute
Hi May. Come on in. Who is this? This is my cousin Julia.
Feel free to ask a question.
What should I do with the snacks? out the back. please
Last question I have for you, Margot. I am so excited for " once upon a time in hollywood." What was it like working with Quentin Tarantino?
It was the best ever, there are no cell phone on set. I don't think Quentin even owns one and every 100 rolls of film.
Everyone stops and has a drink and celebrates. I think you and I have to a lot to celebrate right now because we concluded our interview. I have a drink for the both of us.
Sounds good, Margot. This is great. thank so much
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