오늘은 수소 전지차에 대한 기사를 Dictation 자료로 공유 합니다.
If you ask anyone what the future of cars look like
They'll probably tell you it's electric
And that Tesla is at the forefront of the movement
But what if I told you that there's another opinion
That could be just as good
Or even better than battery electric vehicles
What if you could power cars
With the most abundant resource in the universe
With water as the only byproduct?
And they're more likely to disrupt the auto industry
Than battery powered cars, like Teslas
Hydrogen fuel cells have been
A technology of great promise
As well as great skepticism
Elron Musk himself often mocks hydrogen fuel cell technology
Going so far as to call them fool cells
And mind-bogglingly stupid
But major automakers still see promise
First, let's define the terms
Battery electric vehicles, or BEVs
Are the electric vehicles that most of us
Are familiar with today like Teslas
They use a battery to store electricity
And power the electric motor
A hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, or FCEV
Like Toyota's Mirai combines hydrogen with oxygen
To produce electricity
Which then powers the electric motor that drives the car
Now, when it comes to why people don't buy
Battery electric vehicles like Teslas
There are three main reasons
They took too long to recharge
They have a limited range
Before they need to be recharged
And they cost a lot more
Than your comparable gas powered car
So how do hydrogen cars stack up in these areas
When it comes to recharging
Hydrogen cars have battery electric beat
At a supercharging station, a Tesla can charge
Anywhere from 30% to 50% in 15 minutes
But you'll be at the charging station for over an hour
For a full charge
Fuel cell vehicles don't require charging at all
The hydrogen tank is refilled at a hydrogen station
In less than five minutes
Just like your typical gas station today
That's because FCEVs
Don't store electricity like a battery
They create it on demand to power the motor
When it comes to range hydrogen powered cars
Seem to come out on top again
Between the three fuel cell vehicles on the road today
They have a range of 312, 360, and 380 miles
Most electric vehicles have a range
Under 250 miles
While some Tesla models offer a range
Of more than 300 miles
They often cost more than the average car buyer can afford
Range and refueling times are so important
That 78% of automotive executives
Believe fuel cell vehicles will be the breakthrough
For electric mobility
But that's not say fuel cell vehicles
Don't have challenges of their own
FCEVs need more competitive pricing
The suggested retail price for the fuel cell vehicles
Available today is around $60,000
Which is about $20,000 more
Than an entry level BEV
That's because production size of these vehicles
Is incredibly low. With only a few thousand
Or few hundred being made every year
It's nearly impossible for prices to be competitive
But that could soon be changing
Automakers are looking to increase the production
Of their FCEVs
Toyota in particular has increased its
Production capabilities tenfold to eventually
Bring down the cost of its Mirai
The real challenge for hydrogen fuel cells
Is the lack of infrastructure
In the US the majority of hydrogen stations
Are in California, with just over 40
Available to fuel cell owners
For FCEVs to become the breakthrough
That automotive executives believe in
A vast network for hydrogen stations is vital
And automakers are slowly working to make it happen
We do get to work together with the other
Automakers as well as with you know here in California
The state of California and the industrial gas suppliers
Or whomever the energy provider is
To be able to site hydrogen stations where it makes
The most sense for all of the automakers' vehicles
And so that's to try to make sure
That any investment that we make
Is best leveraged by all of the consumers
From all of the automakers that currently offer
Fuel cell vehicles
If and when fuel cell vehicles scale
Tesla will have a tough challenge on their hands
They'll have to increase range while simultaneously
Decreasing recharging time and price
But Teslas and any battery electric vehicles
Are limited because of the law of diminishing returns
Increasing the range requires a large battery
A large battery will add more weigh to the car
After a certain point, the added weight
No longer yields additional range
With FCEVs it's just a numbers game
More hydrogen stations equal more cars
And more cars equal more affordable fuel cell vehicles
Tesla has a lock on the zero emissions market in America
Controlling a whopping 60% of the EV market
But that's still only 2%
Of the entire US car market
And those numbers decrease when we talk about
The global car market
The only thing really holding FCEVs back is infrastructure
And as hydrogen stations become more abundant
Tesla could lose the majority of the zero emissions market
For a technology that's mind bogglingly stupid
It has serious potential to become a real competition
For the very same customers that Tesla's aiming for
So, Elon might want to take notice