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[쉐도잉, 딕테이션] 자율 주행 트럭 - How Self-Driving Trucks Really Work I Future Of Work (HBO)

We're riding the back of an autonomous truck
It's about to take a left turn into oncoming traffic
It's accelerating on its own it's braking on its own it's steering  on its own
The trucking in the United States is like a $700B a year industry
And it employs 1.8M people
Thus far it's been pretty immune to the changes of globalization and technology
But that's about to change with technology like this
There's an operator here and there's a safety engineer here
Because they're still experimenting
It's still kind of in development
Have you put your hand on the wheel at any point
This is like a pretty complex traffic situation
There are  cars merging there're cars passing us
This truck is changing lanes to go around slow traffic
Anticipating when people are stopping
And honestly, I just like kind of can't believe it
It's driving itself
And it's doing a pretty good job
We recognize that this is a highly disruptive technology
On the order of 10M people
And displacing rapidly that many people
Would have dramatic societal impact
We certainly don't want to see that
We're not targeting that
We're focused on relieving a shortage
What we're hoping ti that
There will be a natural evolution into the jobs of the future
 just as there has been in every other technological change
What do you tell a trucker
We try not to tell truckers things
We try to listen
This is Chuck
Chuck runs a company that is developing
And is gonna produce self driving trucks
That are autonomous to do it themselves
You guys are truck drivers
How do you feel bad
The truck doesn't have a drive in it
Somebody had headquarters sitting behind a monitor
No there's a driver in there
In the future, when there isn't
once it's fully tested we don't need to have a driver in my research
No it's not driver assist
It is purely self driving
So like a GPS basically you're going from point A to point B
There's GPS in it there's a lot of tech
But GPS is a part of
He took me into  one of his trucks today
We did like a 90 minutes run up and down i-10
Traffic was merging in it
It was changing lanes it was braking it was accelerating it
So this would do really good when the cars cut you off
A car cut us off
And you know what it didn't slam on the brakes
The truck just kind of rolling
Hold your equipment handling the high wedge
We're actually surprisingly good you're in high winds
How much weight the trailer
We've gone empty and loaded
We have very complex control algorithms
And now we hold it with such precision
That it is perfectly straight
Its tough
You seemed pretty impressed
Actually yeas I am
I wasn't all for buy me
I got to see this
That laser it's lidar
It's a laser like a laser radar
What do you love about your(?) on the truck
He'll love to drive
Me, it's privilege
It's a privilege to get out there get behind the wheel for 80,000 pounds drive that thing down the road
Knowing hey, you know what, I can do this
You can't do it
No, I can't
And I know I'm providing the US
I'm providing the world whatever I got in the back of my Freight I deliver your clothes your food that you're eating
A lot of people don't see that
And it's a good feeling as a driver as a human being
You really gotta have faith
To rely on is this kind of kill me or
We'll have to do a lot of testing to prove that
That's definitely different
Over the next year, we're building a fleet of 200 trucks
And we're gonna be operating them day and night
Just to validate it to prove it
We have to prove to you
We have to prove to the regulators
To the states, we have to pro e to ourselves
You asked me to hold I do if I didn't drive
I can't understand the inspectors, I really don't know what I would be
I'd be scared

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[쉐도잉, 딕테이션] 자율 주행 트럭 - How Self-Driving Trucks Really Work I Future Of Work (HBO)


